Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
March 2025
  1. PTM Letter – Sample


    Dear Parents,

    On behalf of the entire ____________________ SCHOOL family we welcome you to our first Parent Educator Meet of the 2007-08 session. It is an important occasion for us as such parental interaction not only allows us to share the child’s progress with you but also enable us to learn about his/her development at home so that both of us, you as the parent and we as the mentor, can work together to ensure a balanced growth of the child at the tender age.

    When the child enters a school (for some it is for the first time) he/she is moving out of the comfort zone and going to a complete new environment. We have tried to make them feel comfortable and ‘at home’ in the school to help them to adjust to the new learning environment in a smooth manner by providing them love and care and minimizing the fear of ‘unknown’.

    Our efforts are focused at making the child free to explore his /her environment at home and around the home with the family to make his childhood an enjoyable and memorable experience.  To complement our efforts in this direction you may encourage the child to explore his environment and participate in the learning process by providing books to read matching his/her age-group, answering his/her queries to widen his/her sphere of knowledge and skill. As we do not want to create undue load on the highly impressionable mind of the child, particularly during the earlier stages, we would request you not to burden him /her with advance preparation for the matter that would be covered in future in the class. More often than not such preparation creates confusion in the child’s mind as the approach and method used by the parent and the educator at the first instance may not be same. Such conflicts retard the growth and demotivate the child. However, you may, whenever you can, encourage the child to discuss with you what he /she has learnt and appreciate his efforts and reward him for the progress and even ‘small’ achievements which will go a long way in developing the child’s confidence and love for learning. Therefore, to keep you informed about the academic progress of your child we are providing you with the syllabus covered in the last two months and from now on you will be receiving the report of work done in that month at the end of every calendar month.

    We are also providing you with the Calendar of events for Activities, Holidays and Assessment Dates to acquaint you with the entire schedule of the school to enable you to plan your holidays / outings and family functions without interfering with the child’s schedule.

    We would like to thank you for appreciating our efforts now and then, especially on the occasion of the Mother’s Day and keeping in view the overwhelming response we are working to make more of such occasions a regular feature of our school calendar.

    This being a new institution there has been some delays in the process of putting in place some of the facilities and implementing innovative ideas in our effort to provide the best possible academic and co-curricular support for our students. We thank you for bearing with us and appreciating the problems, which are often due to reasons beyond our control. We hope for your continued support and co-operation in our efforts to do the best for your dear child.


    Vishal Jain / Jay Kumar


  2. Guidelines for Teachers

    Guidelines for Teachers : Includes details for … 1. Teachers functional guidelines 2. Maintenence of Discipline 3. Classroom teaching 4. 4.Classroom environment 5. Emergency procedure in case of any physical harm to a child. 6. Reporting to the Head 7. Lesson preparation (diaries etc) 8. Correction work 9. Remedial work 10. Project work 11. Syllabus completion 12. Conducting... 2
  3. Correction of Notebooks

    INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS    Points to be noted while correcting note books   Index Should be properly and neatly written in the given format (Sr no./Date/Lesson or Topic/Remarks or marks/Trs sign/Parent’s sign) Should be regularly maintained The signatures of Trs and remarks to be filled immediately after corrections. Parent’s sign... 2

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