Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
March 2025
  1. Mnemonics – Memory Techniques


    The following are examples of techniques you can use to memorize important information.

    When to Use It:



    For information involving key words

    Acronym – an invented combination of letters with each letter acting as a cue to an idea you need to remember.

    BRASS is an acronym for how to shoot a rifle– Breath, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze.

    For information involving key words

    Acrostic – an invented sentence where the first letter of each word is a cue to an idea you need to remember.

    EVERY GOOD BOY DESERVES FUN is an acrostic to remember the order of the G-clef notes on sheet music– E,G,B,D,F.

    For ordered or unordered lists

    Rhyme-Keys – a 2-step memory process:

    1. Memorize key words that can be associated with numbers (one-bun);
    2. Create an image of the items you need to remember with key words. (A bun with cheese on it will remind me of dairy products.)

    Food groups:

    1. Dairy products: one-bun-cheese on a bun.
    2. Meat, fish, and poultry: two-shoe-livestock with shoes.
    3. Grains: three-tree-sack of grain hanging from tree.
    4. Fruit and vegetables: four-door- opening a door and walking into a room stocked with fruits and vegetables.

    For approximately twenty items

    Loci Method– Imagine placing the items you want to remember in specific locations in a room with which you are familiar.

    To remember presidents:
    Place a dollar bill (George Washington) on the door. Walk into the room and see Jefferson reclining on a sofa and Nixon eating out of the refrigerator.

    For foreign language vocabulary

    Keyword Method– Select the foreign words you need to remember, then identify an English word that sounds like the foreign one. Now imagine an image that involves the key word with the English meaning of the foreign word.

    In Spanish, the word “cabina” means phone booth. Invent an image of a cab trying to fit in a phone booth. When you see the word “cabina,” you should be able to recall this image and thereby retrieve the meaning “phone booth.”

    For remembering names

    Image-Name Technique– invent a relationship between the name and the physical characteristics of the person.

    Shirley Temple – her curly (rhymes with “Shirley”) hair around her temples.

    For ordered or unordered lists

    Chaining– Create a story where each word or idea you have to remember will cue the next idea you need to recall.

    Napoleon, ear, door, Germany
    Story: Napoleon had his ear to the door to listen to the Germans in his beer cellar.


    Bindu Sharma


  2. Laboratory Safety guidelines

    Laboratory Safety Guidelines    Everyone must be responsible for everyone else in lab.  No horse-play is ever allowed.  Lack of pre-lab preparation is the biggest problem related to lab safety.  If you or your group members are unprepared for lab you will waist time and have a good chance of... Comment
  3. School boards in India

    Choosing a board for the child is one of the most important concerns for parents. Many parents are unaware of the risk involved in sending their children to dubious and unrecognised functional boards of school education. Below mentioned is a list of all the recognised educational boards in India:  ... Comment

    MOTIVATING STUDENTS General Principles of Motivation More than instructor excitement or prodding. Motivating Students A wealth of good ideas. Motivating Students – 8 Simple Rules Keep students focused and motivated. Motivating the Unmotivated This just might change your thinking. Dealing with Disengaged Students Dealing with the top three teacher nightmares.... Comment

    IMPROVING SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE   School personnel seeking to improve the quality of discipline in their schools and classrooms are encouraged to follow the guidelines implicit in the discipline research. These include: AT THE SCHOOL LEVEL: 1.      Engage school – and community-wide commitment to establishing and maintaining appropriate student... Comment
  6. Class Rules

    Kindergarten Rules   1.      WALK INSIDE! Why—to keep our body safe from bumps & bruises! 2.      USE AN INSIDE VOICE! Why—loud noises hurt our ears & it’s hard to think & learn! 3.      BE KIND TO OTHERS! Why—doing something kind feels GOOD to us & to our friends! 4.      FOLLOW... Comment

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