Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
March 2025


    Dr. Glen W. Probst

    There are many characteristics, techniques, etc. that make for a successful teacher. These may be as varied as the teachers themselves. However, there are certain time-tested attributes, characteristics, and practices which contribute immensely to teacher success. The following list contains items that students have used to describe their best teachers.


    1. Enthusiasm
      • Students can feel the excitement
      • Students easily detect the teacher’s love for job and subject
    2. Preparation
      • Teacher knows the subject
      • Teacher plans and prepares lessons daily
    3. Punctuality
      • Always arrives on time
      • Begins and ends class on time
      • Expects and encourages students to arrive on time
    4. Support and concern for students
      • Lets students know that he/she cares about their success
      • Takes time with students
      • Allows for creativity
      • Is friendly and courteous
      • Is supportive and encouraging
      • Is smiling, caring and loving
    5. Consistency
      • Does not miss class
      • Is consistent in attitude and dealings with students
      • Is always well prepared to teach class
    6. Politeness
      • Treats students with respect
      • Does not condescend
      • Avoids embarrassing students in class
    7. Firmness and control
      • Is firm in a kind manner
      • Avoids tangents in teaching
    8. Does not play favorites
    9. Provides personal help
      • Takes time to explain concept
      • Gives individual attention
    10. Accepts individual differences
    11. Employs an effective delivery
      • Clarifies for understanding
      • Creates a sense of fun with the learning task
      • Eliminates bad, irritating and/or distracting habits
    12. Does not make students lose face
      • Avoids criticizing students
    13. Has high expectations of class members
    14. Is humble
    15. Is fair
    16. Uses variety
      • Uses a variety of learning activities
      • Experiments
      • Allows for spontaneity
    17. Has a sense of humor; is relaxed
    18. Use of engaged time
      • Sets a good pace and provides for a change of pace
      • Avoids engaging students in “busy work”
    19. Use of text
      • Is not a slave to the text
      • Uses text as a road map
    20. Keeps within 1-2 days of the scheduled course outline
    21. Field trips and other activities
      • Applies student experiences to classwork
    22. Does not always teach from a sitting or leaning position
    23. Interpersonal relationships with students
      • Does not allow students to call him/her by first name
      • Does not try to win a popularity contest
      • Maintains a healthy teacher-student relationship
      • Respects students (remember that sometimes what you think is healthy, fun joking with students may be interpreted by them as disapproval and dislike.)
    24. Does not allow one or two students to monopolize or dominate the class
    25. Keeps accurate records of
      • Work completed
      • Attendance
      • Test results
      • Grades

    Additional Suggestions

    1. Provide for activity changes — perhaps something not on the lesson plan; for example, scrabble, hangman, pictionary.
    2. Be somewhat unpredictable — Students will not know what comes next. Keep students in some suspense.
    3. Variety — In teaching, variety provides for renewed interest in the subject matter. Use variety in how you have students work together. Do not always pair the same ones together. Provide for a variety of learning activities. Some suggestions are:
      • Assignments
      • Brainstorming
      • Buzz sessions
      • General discussion
      • Panel discussion
      • Problem-solving discussion
      • Music
      • Instructional games
      • Questioning and quizzes
      • Reports and talks
      • Role playing
      • Worksheets
      • Demonstrations
      • Dramas
      • Storytelling
      • General chalkboard use
      • Chalkboard illustrations
      • Charts and maps
      • Displays and mobiles
      • Filmstrips
      • Flannelboard
      • Flashcards
      • Motion pictures
      • Opaque projections
      • Overhead transparency projections
      • Pictures, posters
      • Tape recordings
      • Video tape recordings
      • Videodisk recordings
      • Videotaping class presentations or activities
      • Guest appearances
      • Combined activities with another class.
    4. Instant Involvement — Create a variety of instant involvement techniques that can be used to capture students attention for what will be presented.
    5. Give eye-to-eye contact.
    6. Change teaching style for variety.
    7. Pace — A change of pace is refreshing and helps students re-enter the learning process.
    8. Change of setting — At appropriate times it is stimulating and interesting to meet in a different location or setting for a specific learning task.

    Submitted by : Bindu Sharma


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