Principals Diary

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March 2025
  1. Recommendations and Resolutions at 18th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes 2011


    18th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes 2011

    27th – 29th December 2011

    Hosted by Chennai Chapter Sahodaya Complex

    “Quality Improvement in Schools “


    Sub-themes for the conference were the following:

    1.      Secondary Education in Context of Reforms
    2.      From Constructivism to Connectivism
    3.      Networking through Sahodaya Complexes
    4.      Child Centered Education and Pedagogy
    5.      Assessment for Learning
    6.      Implementing the Right to Education Act-2009
    7.      Improving the Quality of Teachers
    8.      Harnessing Mass Media for Education.
    9.     Capacity Building through PPP


    1. Education at the Secondary Stage needs to be responsive to the community, society and nation and must aim towards creating thinking and creative individuals who are active citizens and good human beings. Right to Free and Compulsory Education needs to be implemented in a mission mode.
    1. Teacher quality is central to excellence in schools. Capacity building using modular approach with multiple agencies in online and interactive mode must continue.
    1. Schools need to focus on in-house development of teachers through sharing of resources, enabling multidisciplinary projects and creating good assessment tasks.
    1. Child-Centered Education makes room for personalized learning. Quality education essentially allows learners to learn with relevance to their needs, interests and aptitude.
    1. The Uniqueness and inner potential of each learner needs to be identified, nurtured and supported so that it can blossom and each learner resonates to the rhythm of her own drum beat and follows her own dream.
    1. ICT enabled personalized learning, innovative ways of assessment, computerized recording documentation and other data, online ways of in-house and externally validated capacity building of teachers must continue. Social media can be harnessed for the purpose of enabling teachers and learners to grow.
    1. Schools should be evaluated on a more holistic pattern rather than merely on the basis of results of academic excellence of their students.
    1. Quality of Schools is directly related to continuous reflection, self assessment and self improvement by schools themselves. Accreditation of schools is to empower schools to reflect and enhance their own processes through internal self assessment and external validation.
    1. Mentors and mentoring exercise need to be strengthened and followed up with analysis of reports.
    1. Schools should continue to network through the agency of communities of practice-Sahodaya is an excellent platform. ‘Sahodayas’ should meet more often at the local and regional level with a focus on qualitative improvement and collaboration. The project of networking of Sahodaya School Complexes must continue.
    1. Schools and Sahodayas need to continue to use the logo, slogan and song on CCE in all their correspondences with parents and other stakeholders as well as on their website.
    1. CBSE-i and other innovative projects of CBSE need to continue and be supplemented with action research.
    1. Parents and community must continue to be involved in the implementation of School Based Assessments and quality improvement of schools.
    1. Vocational education and skills based education must be strengthened across stages.


    Resolution of the 18th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes 2011

    27th – 29h December 2011

    “Quality Improvements in Schools”


    ‘Quality Improvements in Schools’ can be achieved through focusing on Child-centered education and personalized learning based on the needs, interests and aptitudes of the learner. Implementation of reforms and Right to Free and Compulsory Education must be done in a mission mode. Teacher quality is central to excellence in schools and continuous development of teachers must continue including in-house development and collaboration. Quality in schools can be greatly enhanced through the process of self reflection and external validation and accreditation. Vocational education needs to be strengthened across all stages. Mentoring networks needs to be broad based with a wider ambit. 


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