Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
January 2025


    The stress is a state, arises due to extra demand on body in response to any stimuli, may be physical Mental or oxidative. The negative approach always received by brain as an order for preparing the body to meet out the emergency situation, which is actually not there, this situation is a cause of many health hazards – The answer is only positive coding in cerebrum by the practice of concentration on positive side and truth of every subject, along with physical heath care- these all processes are helps in getting the State of Meditation which provides us the stress free life—The tourist, specially foreigner, are always in search of this.

    State of Meditation

    The meditation is not, only, few minute state of posture by closing the eyes but it is a state of meditative posture throughout the day to keep the Autonomous Nervous system in proper order to achieve the positive health i.e. Mental, Physical, Social & spiritual health. Mental Health:- By judicious use of our Natural instinct—Kama Krodh, Lobh, Mohha ,by using our intellect or awareness .

    Physical Health:-

    By conservation of energy & reducing oxidants to lower the damages through yogic exercises.
    Social Health:-

    By scientific approach towards religion ,costoms,behviour by revealing the biological truth & use of intellect
    Spiritual Health:-

    By faith on God in any condition by differentiating scientifically the Atma & Parmatma.
    Modalities of Nature Cure/ Naturopathy

    1. Diet Therapy
    a) Eliminative Diet
    b) Soothing Diet
    c) Constructive

    2. Fasting Therapy
    a) Hydro-Kalp
    b) Mono diet Kalp

    3. Hydro Therapy
    a) Hip Bath
    b) Sitz Bath
    c) Spinal Bath
    d)Immersion Bath
    e) Steam Bath
    f) Hot & cold bath
    g) Wet Sheet Pack

    4. Mud Therapy
    a) Mud Bath
    b) Mud Pack
    c) Poultice

    5. Massage Therapy
    a) Dry
    b) Hydro
    c) Oil

    6. Chromo Therapy Sun Bath

    7. Air Therapy Fresh Air Bath

    8. Yogic Therapy
    a) Sat- Karma
    b) Asnas
    c) Pranayam
    d) Meditation

    9. Clothing Therapy Seasonal Clothing

    10. Behavioral Therapy
    a) Counseling
    b) Way of Interaction


    The stress is a state , arises due to extra demand on body in response to any stimuli., may be physical ,Mental or oxidative.


    The condition which is able to bring the changes in normal function of the body, physical or chemical of an individual. The Mental stressors lies in the perception & management of Natural extinctual urges .
    Management Meditation

    The meditation is not, only, few minute state of posture by closing the eyes but it is a state of meditative posture throughout the day to keep the Autonomous Nervous system in proper order to achieve the positive health i.e. Mental, Physical, Social & spiritual health.
    Mental Health
    By judicious use of our Natural instinct Kama, Krodh, Lobh, Mohha, by using our intellect
    Physical Health
    By conservation of energy & reducing oxidants to lower the damages through yogic exercises.
    Social Health
    By scientific approach towards religion ,costoms,behviour by revealing the biological truth & use of intellect
    Spiritual Health
    By faith on God in any condition by differentiating scientifically the Atma & Parmatma.
    Mental Health
    M = Meaningful Need
    E = Express your Feelings
    N = Negative Attitude –> Positive Attitude
    T = Today’s Importance
    A = Activity to Relax everyday
    L = Loneliness to be Avoided

    H = Hobbies to High Tate your Talent
    E = Etical values (Own)
    A = Avoid, Toxicants/Negative Activities
    L = Life events/Life Skills
    T = Target Realistic & Reachable
    H = Health Maintenence
    10 Skills to Avoid Stress

    Problem Solution
    Decisioin Making
    Creative Thinking
    Critical Thinking
    Interpersonal Relation (Appreciation)
    Symapathy with understanding
    Effective Communication
    Self awareness & Limitation
    Emotional Management

    Swasth Sewa Samiti
    -Dr.Sanjeev Kr. Pandey, Director SHERI



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