Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
March 2025
  1. Mind Mapping


    A pedagogical tool for better learning…
    Mind mapping…
    Mind maps are self created helpers which promote logical thinking .They are like a guide map which could help our mind to memorise the content of a chapter in a systematic manner. Ever since I came to know about this technology evolution, I am working on its utility in mathematics learning. From the internet I came to know about various open source mind mapping tools which the people all over the world are using in various occupations. Its application is not restricted to business or public/private sectors, but people are using this tool in education field also.
    This technique focuses on starting the map with a centralized concept/ idea and then emerging from it are various branches which are related to the main concept.It trains our mind to start from a main idea and then to generate suitably the upcoming nodes, linking with each other in a structured manner explaining about the whole idea.It is like a help which is mapping knowledge for remembering a concept for future reference. In a mind mapping tool we have a freedom of using lines, colours, arrows, branches or some other way of showing connections between the ideas generated on the mind map. There are lots of symbols available which helps us in making a structured mind map from a central idea to its evolving branches.Mapping may be seen as a type of brainstorming.For the students it can act like a master tool for preparing for the contents of a subject during the examination time..


    Vishal Jain
    Editor in Chief

  2. Study Skills

    Study Skills for School Success Students’ success in school depends on how well they organize their study skills. Practicing good study habits ensures success in school. A well-organized student always does well. Effective study skills save time that is wasted due to mismanagement. Study skills and organizational skills do not... Comment
  3. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences – Detail

    Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences – Detail The more detailed diagram below expands the detail for the original seven intelligences of Harward gardner, and also suggests ideas for applying the model and underpinning theories, so as to optimise learning and training, design accelerated learning methods, and to assess training and learning suitability... Comment

    MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: STRATEGIES IN THE CLASSROOM The following list provides a survey of the techniques and materials that can be employed in teaching through the multiple intelligences. Linguistic Intelligence  lectures, debates large- and small-group discussions books, worksheets, manuals brainstorming writing activities word games sharing time storytelling, speeches, reading to class... Comment
  5. Multiple Intelligence Test

    Use this test to find out which Intelligence type your students posses. Based on the Intelligence type you can guide your students and make learning a pleasure for them. Download the word file for the Test. multiple-intelligence-test 1
  6. Multiple Intelligence – Frequently asked questions

      Almost every day, I receive questions about multiple intelligences theory. Some of the questions concern the theory itself, though many more deal with recommended practices or with questionable applications. The questions come from professors, teachers, parents, college students, high school students, and elementary school students; they emanate from many... Comment
  7. Changing teaching practices

    Using cirriculum differentiation to respond to students diversity. This book explains how different types of students can be diffrenciated on the basis of intelligence type they have. A lot of case studies are presented for the subject. The book aims at supporting teachers in developing and expanding their own teaching capabilities. The... Comment

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