Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
March 2025
  1. Best Digital Learning Platform for all Classes Students


    Dear Principal,

    I am sure you are doing your best for your students with the online teaching-learning process. This is definitely a turbulent time for  both schools and students but surely this time will pass by soon.

    There are a lot of problems being faced by the education community such as student interaction, how to monitor their study time and several others.

    The more time passes by, the more evident it is becoming that students are definitely lagging behind. The only solution we have for these problems is through online teaching. We have prepared and collated the best and the most cost-efficient resources for online teaching. It provides the exact solution of distant training which is time-tracking i.e. how much time is the child spending to study and how much he/she has covered.

    Here is a list of resources you should definitely opt for and something I would very strongly recommend.

    • Alternate Online Content for Schools – Learn at home

    With video conferencing tools such as ZOOM and Skype,  you can incorporate content for classroom teaching videos, animated content, classroom notes, eBooks, Olympiad and NTSE, and much more at an extremely reasonable rate.

    • Classroom teaching videos for students  – Alternate to tuitions.

    Students can learn at their own pace, repeating the concept-watching it again and again for better clarity and becoming a self-motivated learner.

    Please do share this link to them and ask them/their parents to purchase the alternate content and enjoy learning at home.


    • Teachers empowerment and Continuous professional development 

    The best gift we can give to our teachers and our system is to make them a self-inspired motivated learner from tons of resources available at A new hobby, learning outcomes, STEM, administration, Skills, subject wise teaching, teachers manual and much more are abundantly available which will help the students to choose their skill or interest which they want to work on.

    • Co-curricular learning at home

    Students can make the best out of their holidays by learning sports, developing skills, learning hobbies and much more. There is even have a section for extra-curricular activities that can be learned at home.

    Link :

    Please definitely go through the website I am sure it will be useful

    Note : Do start as a pilot for IX-XII classes first and monitor your students learning.

    Click to the links to join courses 


  2. Principal Story Field Guide

    THE PRINCIPAL STORY, a one-hour PBS documentary, portrays the challenges principals face in turning around low-performing public schools and raising student achievement. This intimate, one-year journey is seen through the eyes of two dynamic principals: Dr. Tresa D. Dunbar, in only her second year in the school. This publication aims to... Comment
  3. Innovation in India

    Innovation and competitiveness have a dynamic, mutual relationship. Innovation thrives in a competitive environment and in turn, plays a key role in the achievement of such an environment. Innovation generates economic value, new jobs in the economy and cultures of entrepreneurship. National Knowledge Commission (NKC) presented a document on ‘Innovations in India’. While literature on Innovation has been growing in recent times, the NKC... Comment
  4. Black Board Book – ELEANOR WATTS ( English and Hindi Edition )

    Book to tell how to use the blackboard in classrooms . The book is a must read for all the teachers teaching any class. [gview file=””] in Hindi [gview file=””]   Comment
  5. Improving the Training of School Administrators

    Among the meager benefits of the, “No Child Left Behind” legislation has been the additional “training” that has been provided for practicing classroom teachers and school administrators. Additional training for classroom teachers has, deservedly, received a lot of attention because of the improved learning that it is likely to enable... Comment

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