Principals Diary

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March 2025
  1. National and international scholarship,fellowship for Indian educators



    Purpose : This scheme is for scientific educators who already head a research laboratory, and wish to relocate from their current institution (in India or overseas) to a non-profit research Institute in India.
    What’s included
    The Fellowship is for five years, and provides:
    * Generous personal support for the Fellow
    * Salary support for research personnel, which may include Assistant Professors
    * Equipment and consumables
    * Funds for travel to attend scientific meetings, collaborative travel and to organize meetings.
    * Overheads for the host Institution.
    The underlying philosophy in launching this fellowship is to facilitate global standards of scientific excellence in non-profit research institutes across India. Therefore, it is mandatory for interested applicants to relocate with a vision to lead a vibrant group of young scientists and collaborators.
    Applicants should have demonstrated strong scientific leadership as independent investigators. In addition to significant contributions in research, applicants should have mentored young scientists and students, attracted extra mural funds from peer-reviewed competitive sources, established collaborations, successfully initiated programmes of advanced scientific research and importantly, maintained high ethical standards. Applicants would have to detail the reasons for leaving their current institution and how the proposed relocation will augment their scientific activities.
    There is no age-limit to apply for this Fellowship. Applicants would normally be expected to be running an independent laboratory for 10 years or more. As an exception, for the first round of this competition, applicants who have already relocated, but after May 2010 will be eligible to apply.
    It is mandatory to have an eligible sponsoring host institution in India and an eligible Sponsor from this institution, at the time of applying. The Sponsor is expected to hold a senior administrative position (for e.g., Directors/ HoD) at the host Institution and would have to fill a separate form. The form aims to understand how the applicant’s research interests and scientific leadership will enhance the research programme at the host institute as well as the type of support and commitment the host Institution is willing to make if the Fellowship were to be awarded.
    The Sponsor’s form must be sent confidentially and can be emailed directly to Sponsors are not restricted from sending multiple nominations from their institute.
    Deadlines : Scheme Launch: March 2011-Applications due by: 1 May 2011, Short-listing Finalized by: June 2011 ,Interviews: End Sep 2011, India .

    Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarships For Doctoral Studies

    The scholarships are available to the following categories of persons:
    A) Indian Nationals for Ph.D. study in India; and
    B) Nationals of other Asian countries for Ph.D. study in India.
    A candidate may apply for scholarship in any one of the following areas of specialization:
    1. Science and Technology as an integral component of economic and social activity, including the Philosophy of Science
    2. Comparative Studies in Religion and Culture
    3. International Relations and Constitutional Studies
    4. Indian History, Civilization and Culture
    5. Interface of Social Change and Economic Development
    6. Environmental Ecology and Sustainable Development
    7. Studies in the life and works of Jawaharlal Nehru
    At the time of making the application for scholarship, a candidate should
    1. Hold a FIRST Class Postgraduate degree
    2. Already be registered/admitted for Ph.D. degree with a University/Institution in India approved by the Government in a subject in one of the areas of specialization listed above. Those who have applied for registration and have not yet been registered, are not eligible to apply.
    3. Not be above 35 years of age at the time of applying.
    4. Be a full-time Ph.D. Scholar.
    Ordinarily upto 2 years.
    a) Maintenance allowance including Tuition fee – Rs.9,000 per month
    b) Annual contingent expenses for study tours within India, books, stationery, thesis costs, etc. – Rs. 12,000 per annum
    c) Sleeper Class Train fare from the place of residence or study in India for interview with the Selection Board.
    // LAST DATE
    Completed application form together with all the necessary enclosures should reach Administrative Secretary, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, Teen Murti House, New Delhi-110 011 on or before 31 May. For more details please visit : …………………………………………………………………………………………

    Applications on plain paper, as per prescribed format, are invited from Indian Nationals residing in India for the above-mentioned Commonwealth Scholarship for higher studies, research leading to Ph.D /Masters/Post Graduate Diploma Study in New Zealand.
    1. Environmental Studies;
    2. Agriculture and Fisheries
    Should have completed Master’s Degree in the subject or allied fields with minimum 65% marks for Ph.D. Should have completed Bachelor’s Degree in the above SLibjects or allied fields with minimum 65% marks for Masters level studies.
    The candidate should not be more than 40 years of age as on 20.05.2011


    UNESCO ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowship Programme 2011
    UNESCO Headquarters, Paris has invited nominations for the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowship Programme 2011.
    Nominations should be forwarded to the Indian National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO (INCCU) latest by 1st May, 2011 (and should not be sent directly to UNESCO) at the following address for onward transmission to UNESCO, Paris:
    Mrs. Sneh Lata,
    Section Officer (UU)
    Room No. 203 C Wing
    Shastri Bhavan,New Delhi -110115
    Contact No. Telefax: 23384442
    For more details visit :

    The New India Foundation – Fellowships To Write Original Books

    The New India Foundation invites applications for its seventh round of fellowships. Fellowship holders (who are paid Rs. 70,000 a month) are expected to write original books that contribute to the fuller understanding of independent India. Books could be about politics, economics, or culture, and may take the form of a memoir, a work of reportage, or a thickly footnoted academic study. Applicants should send a CV, a book proposal and a writing sample of at least 5,000 words to The Managing Trustee, The New India Foundation, 22 A Brun-ton Road, Bangalore 560025, by July 31, 2011. Further details are at www.newindiafoundation, org


    2012-13 Fulbright Nehru Fellowships In The U.S

    United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) invites applications for Fulbright-Nehru and other fellowships from Indian citizens residing in India, including students, college/ university faculty, researchers, secondary school teachers, policy planners, administrators, and professionals.
    For complete details and downloadable application material, please visit USIEF’s website:

    Agatha Harrison Memorial Fellowships

    Level of Study : Advanced Research
    Duration : 1year
    Notification : Employment News / Leading Newspapers : April/May
    Subject Fields : Modern Indian Studies in History, Economics, Political Science.
    // Eligibility : Indian national. Age 30-40 yrs as on October of the in-take year. Qualifications- uniformly brilliant academic record (with 60% marks at Master’s degree level) with Ph D degree in the subject field or published works of equivalent merit. Minimum three years teaching experience at Graduate/Post-Graduate level.
    Value /Passage Cost: Stipend of Pounds 18,580 and economy class air passage (both ways) borne by the Government of India.


    Japan Scholarships
    Course of Study: Research study.
    Duration : 18 months to 2 years
    Scholarships : 30
    Commencement of academic session : April/Oct.
    Notification : Employment News/Leading newspapers : April/May
    Subjects : Biotechnology; Biological Oceanography; Fibre-Optics; Laser Tech; Microprocessor Application/Tech; Opto-Electronics; Management studies, Earthquake Engineering, Quality and Reliability Engg (as applied to Electricity and power , Railway, Heavy Industry, Heavy Electrical, Electronics and Communication etc.); Remote Sensing; Robotics; Ship-Building, Fisheries, Japanese Language & Literature, Japanese Studies and Transportation & Information System Engg.
    Eligibility: Indian nationals residing in India. Age below 35 yrs.
    // Qualifications for Japanese Language: Candidates who have enrolled in the Post graduate degree in Japanese language or completed undergraduate degree in Japanese language or completed Level 2 of JLPT conducted in Japan Foundation and have completed at least 3 years of Japanese language study in a University. For Japanese Studies: Masters Degree. For Ship Building, Bachelors’ degree with 60% marks in the related field alongwith two consecutive years.practical/research/teaching experience after obtaining the prescribed qualification. For Other Subjects: Masters degree in the relevant field with minimum 60% marks alongwith two consecutive years practical/research/teaching experience after obtaining the prescribed qualification.
    Contact Address : Section Officer. ES.3. Section, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, A1/W3 Curzon Road Barracks, K G Marg, New Delhi 110001.

    Awards –
    The Anita Borg Award for Social Impact
    Deadline is May 2, 2011
    Anita Borg Social Impact Award, an international prize, will honor an individualor team who has caused technology to have a positive impact on the lives of women and society or who has caused women to have a significant impact on the design and use of technology. The recipient will receive a $10,000 award and will be honored at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Portland, Oregon in November 2011.

    Technical Leadership
    Deadline is May 2, 2011
    The Anita Borg Technical Leadership Award recognizes and celebrates an
    outstanding woman technical leader. The recipient will receive a $10,000 award and will be honored at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing awards celebration in November 2011 in Portland, Oregon.
    Denice Denton Emerging Leader Award
    Deadline is May 2, 2011
    The Denice Denton Emerging Leader Award will be presented to a junior
    tenure-track (non-tenured) faculty member (under the age of 40) at an academic or research institution, who is pursuing high-quality research in any field of engineering or physical sciences, while demonstrating a significant leadership capability and contributing significantly to promote diversity in his/her environment. The recipient of this award will receive a $5,000 prize.
    Richard Newton Educator Award
    Deadline is May 2, 2011
    This new award recognizes teaching practices, techniques or innovative and new education approaches that attract girls and women to math, computing, and engineering. The award would recognize the educators and the practices of K12 or undergraduate education. The award carries a $5,000 prize and will be presented at the 2011 Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing in Portland, Oregon in November 2011.

    Anita Borg Change Agent Awards
    Deadline is May 2, 2011
    The Change Agent Awards honor technical women that live and work outside the United States. They are change agents in their community – working to attract and support women in technology in their region. Recipients are recognized for their technical leadership and advocacy work.


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