CBSE Chairman meets principals on Mandatory Disclosure

CBSE Chairman R.K.Chaturvedi
In a recent interaction with the CBSE Chairman Shri R.K.Chaturvedi it was enlightening that the new chief is democratic to the level that he interacts , discuss and address the issues faced by CBSE schools of rural area / C tier cities. CBSE Chief called a meeting with some principals of Meerut and adjoining areas and discussed over some issues and took an immediate decision for the betterment of all stakeholders of schools.
For the Mandatory disclosure details with CBSE and School website, when discussed he appreciated the concerns and decided to decrease the number of details required. Some schools have approached the Honourable high court for mandatory disclosure form. He also mentioned that schools can come and share their views/concerns and we are ready to address and solve them. He also mentioned Mandatory disclosure with enable CBSE examination team to have GPS coordinates of schools and students will be allocated schools 5 km from their houses for examination centres. Now examination system will be more transparent as good schools will automatically get a chance to become examination centre with this Mandatory disclosure also schools not performing well will automatically be removed from being an examination center . On the fields like details of all teaching staff he agreed on entering grades and scales of teachers as some schools mentioned for unhealthy practices might prevail if salaries are disclosed. He also mentioned and agreed on FEE V/s salary and salary differences in A , B and C class cities.
CBSE Chairman is quality oriented and with his rich experience in various administrative jobs at Madhya pradesh and Central government he wish to transform all CBSE schools with effective quality management systems.
He mentioned students have all rights to get clean drinking water and separate hygienic toilets for boys and girls which schools need to immediately make provisions and mention the same in Mandatory disclosure .The form is not threatening but a facility to make a better systems for all stakeholders .
New mandatory disclosure form comfortable to schools will be uploaded on CBSE website soon.
Some schools also mentioned and requested for the subject change in XII class, principals mentioned that some students face difficulty with some subjects on which CBSE Chairman immediately ordered Mr. Manoj Shrivastava , Joint Secretary Academics to look into it and students been given chance to change the subjects from XI to XII class.
This is for the first time in CBSE board history that rural schools have been heard and solutions been given immediately.
On X boards CBSE chairman awaits the feedback of more schools to take a final call.
In the coming years CBSE will become more IT enabled , transparent and effective board which will again take indian education system on the top of the world.
CBSE Chairman praised his team primarily Dr. Antrish Johri, Director IT for the IT developments in transparency and effectiveness of Examination systems, Mr. Manoj Shrivastava who has returned after successfully creating RO Dehradun office and being very instrumental in the latest and current changes in CBSE, Neha Sharma , B. Saha and others.
Vishal Jain
School of Educators and