The responsibility that comes with accepting the role of principal at an academic institution cannot be understated. The role of the principal demands a number of key characteristics to ensure that a person in such a position enjoys a successful tenure. As principal it is your task to craft the overall ethos and direction of your institution, as well as providing leadership and guidance to both the teaching faculty and the student in your care. Having come from a family of teachers, I have identified these above mentioned character traits as follows:
Vision. A successful head will craft a strong vision as to the direction he wishes his school/institution to proceed in. This underlying goal or ethos will underpin every decision the principal makes, from staffing appointments to school policies. A clear and apparent direction engenders the loyalty of your staff and students, as they are more willing to work for an institution which has principal matching their own.
Communication. Another fundamentally important aspect of leadership. There is no point in having a carefully crafted vision and strategic plan if you are unable to communicate it effectively to your staff and students. The art of leadership demands that a principal should be able to understand and take onboard the concerns of his subordinates while simultaneously impressing upon them the goals which he/she wishes for them to achieve.
Charisma. Arguably a subset of communication. This quality refers to the heads ability to inspire respect and enthusiasm from the children and staff. A head who can simultaneously balance friendly and amicable relationships with clearly maintaining the principal-teacher/principal-student boundary will find his job half done for him. A lassiez-faire attitude towards your staff and students will not achieve the results a successful principal would desire even with the most meticulously planned and communicated strategies.
Preparation. A successful principal is always prepared for the day ahead, he or she knows the tasks awaiting attention and has planned accordingly. Luck favours those who have thought ahead, and any strategy, parent-meeting, planning meeting or disciplinary event will go more smoothly if the principal has put in the required work before hand and is prepared to meet the challenges that lie ahead.
Versatility. Having already espoused the benefits for preparations it is time to address the principle’s ability to deal with the unexpected, to handle on-the-spot pressure and “roll with the punches”. A good principal is adaptable and able to rise to any challenge the day may throw at him/her, no matter how unexpected. A school/academic institution is a dynamic work place, and the unexpected will occur with regularity. A principal who freezes in the face of the unforeseen will not achieve the success he/she desires.
Conviction. No not a criminal record! The ability to stick to your guns and persevere in the face of adversity. As a principal you will be called upon to make difficult decisions on a regular basis, from disciplinary proceedings to staff disputes as a principle you are called upon to mediate and diffuse potentially explosive situations. This can be very emotionally exhausting, and a principle should have faith in his/her abilities and the course through which he/she is guiding those in his/her care. This faith and conviction will carry the principal through the difficult times ahead and allow him/her to function at the top of the game.
Thomas Mayne
The qualities a school principal should have
Posted by dpspanwar
July 9, 2011