1. Should your class be permitted to go on a field trip this year?
2. Should students be required to wear uniforms at school?
3. Should you be permitted to choose whatever clothes you want to wear outside of school?
4. Should you be permitted to have a job such as mowing yards or baby-sitting if your grades are poor?
5. Should you be permitted to purchase or buy whatever you want to with your own money or allowance?
6. Should you be permitted to get any style of haircut you want?
7. Should you be permitted to have a birthday party and invite friends other than family?
8. Should you be allowed to go anywhere you want to with your friends?
9. Should you be given an allowance or maybe an increase in the amount of your allowance?
10. Should you be permitted to go to a PG-13 or R rated movie?
11. Should you be permitted to have or attend a sleep-over party?
12. Should you be permitted to have a pet?
13. Should you be permitted to join any group you want to–basketball, soccer, girl scouts, martial arts, or others?
14. Should you be required to do chores around the house? Which jobs?
15. Should you be permitted to have your own bedroom?
16. Should you have to dress up for those special occasions that your parents feel are important?
17. Should you be allowed to take up any hobby that you want to?
18. Should you be allowed to take lessons to play any musical instrument you like?
19. Should you be allowed to stay home when the family goes to visit someone for the day?
20. Should you be permitted to have a TV in your bedroom?
21. Should you be allowed to have your ears pierced or maybe pierce other body parts?
22. Should you be allowed to get a tattoo?
23. Should you be required to wear mandatory bicycle helmets?
24. Should you have homework assignments every night?
25. Should there be corporal punishment at school?
26. Does society have a right to put someone to death?
27. Should you have a curfew? If so, what time and on what days?
28. Should the cafeteria offer fast food lunches instead of cafeteria food.
29. Should school hours be changed to 12:00 to 6:00 pm.
30. Should students be allowed to bring their pets to school.
31. Why their favorite book is better than one the school makes them read.
32. Why they should have the freedom to choose their own bedtime.
33. Why they should be able to watch a certain program.
34. Why they should raise or lower the age to vote, smoke or drink.
35. Should kids between the ages of ten and thirteen be dropped off at the mall without adult supervision?
36. Should skateboards be allowed on sidewalks?
37. Should animals be used for scientific experimentation?
38. Should Pokemon cardds be allowed in schools?
and more…
Television is better than books.
Girls have it better than boys.
Cats make better pets than dogs.
Animals should not be kept in cages.
Computers should replace teachers.
School should be two hours longer.
Beauty is only skin deep.
The Olympics are a waste of money.
Vishal Jain