Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
July 2024
  1. QCI – NABET – Accreditation Standard For quality School Governance

    Accreditation For Quality School Governance – Process
    Steps to School Accreditation
    The National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) has developed specific procedures for schools seeking accreditation. The process supports, enhances and stimulates growth and improvement throughout a school. The steps for seeking accreditation are as follows :

    Step 1: School submits application to NABET alongwith Application Fees (Self-assessment is included in the application)
    Step 2: School hosts Readiness Visit by NABET
    Step 3: School submits letter of Commitment to comply with the findings arising out of Readiness Visit
    alongwith Annual Accreditation Fees
    Step 4: School hosts Assessment by NABET Team
    Step 5: NABET Communicates Assessment Team findings to School
    Step 6: School acts on findings
    Step 7: Accreditation Committee of NABET review actions on findings
    Step 8: School may opt for repeat of Step 4 (in part or in full) onwards after due preparation
    School is granted Accreditation by NABET valid for a period of 4 years with yearly Progress Review Visit by NABET
    Step 9: School adheres to Accreditation Standard and engages in continual improvement; School hosts Periodic Progress Review Visits by NABET and submits annual accreditation fees every year
    Step 10: At the end of 4 years school submits application for continuance of Accreditation

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    Download Standard

    Vishal Jain


  2. Garden Based Learning

    Seeking garden activities and curricula for your classroom, program, or club? Working to integrate the garden into your teaching and learning with children, youth, or adults? Looking for gardening resources, research, and support? Here, you’ll find that and more.  Our programs utilize the garden as a vibrant foundation for integrated... Comment
  3. Multi-age classroom

    Multi-age classroom. Mostly this means that the class contains students from two grades.  Sometimes it can mean that there are three grades in one class.  One of the best classes I ever taught was a ‘three grade’ classroom.  When a class is evenly divided between two or more grades the... Comment
  4. Parenting 101

    Welcome to the internet parent education workshop.  A place to build parenting skills that help parents to discipline kids from toddlers to teens as well as to encourage children and adolescents to feel positive about themselves and to become the winners they were meant to be.  Lots of practical solutions... Comment
  5. ADHD Diagnosis

    Some parents see signs of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in their toddler long before the child enters school. The child may lose interest in playing a game or watching a TV show, or may run around completely out of control. But because children mature at different rates and are very... Comment

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