Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
July 2024
  1. Student –Teacher Relationship


    The first relationship after the parents in which a child gets is with a teacher. Teacher is the most important company for an individual’s life. Teacher being an important part does not limit up to the academic growth but is instrumental for the overall development for a child in the parallel lineage with parents.

    The important dynamics to be considered in a teacher-student relationship is a real communicative bond among. A good student-teacher relationship is a sharing relationship of something unique that no one else may experience in quite the same way. The student experiences an acceptance of ideas and contributions that may be unequalled to any of the other knowledge resources.
    In the society, many relationships are found but a teacher-student relationship is the most sacred one, where an excellent bonding and respect towards the teacher is seemed as the feather on the crest.

    In a healthy student-teacher relationship, the student is encouraged and expected to be candid in responding to the teacher`s ideas, methods or words. Part of a teacher`s role is to acquaint the student, not only with the specialized field that is shared, but also with the other leaders in the field and with the ways of professional and academic life. As a teacher, the mentor’s role is to enhance the student’s skills and intellectual development.

    The important and the vital part of student-teacher relationship is that despite of closeness and sharing, the respect for teacher in the heart of the student stay consistent throughout the life. The teacher maintains certain evaluative responsibilities and the student continues to be dependent on the mentor`s guidance and approval.

    It is unrealistic to believe that all of the students would like every teacher because they look for a friend in the teacher, whom they can respect and look for leadership.

    It’s not only a teacher’s actions that can influence a child, but also the way that they communicate and express themselves. Students are often sensitive to tone of voice, gestures and facial expressions. The student teacher relationship is primarily one of trust, guidance and encouragement. Once a healthy student teacher relationship is formed, it can continue to influence the child in positive ways for years to come




  2. Top ten exam tips

    When you take an exam, you are demonstrating your ability to understand course material, or perform certain tasks. The exam forms the basis of evaluation or judgement for your course of study. There are many environmental conditions, including your own attitude and physical condition, which influence how you perform during... Comment
  3. Teachers Engage Your Students

    Teachers, student engagement is the epitome of teaching. If your students are engaged, then you are a teacher who has succeeded in classroom discipline, classroom management, and effective teaching. You should also know that a quiet class is not necessarily a class of students who are learning. Quiet students are... 1
  4. Teachers need a positive classroom

    Do students feel welcome in your classroom? Do you greet them when they enter? Teachers who have a positive classroom are more likely to have positive students. Those positive students make it more likely that you will have success as a teacher. Creating a positive classroom takes a few small... 1
  5. Code of Ethics for Educators

    This Code of Ethics for Educators was developed by the distinguished AAE Advisory Board and by the Executive Committee of AAE. It contains four basic principles relating to the rights of students and educators. OVERVIEW The professional educator strives to create a learning environment that nurtures to fulfillment the potential... 2
  6. Teachers Homework Policy

    Teachers Homework Policy It seems since the beginning of time, homework has been gleefully given by teachers, and sadly accepted by students. Society almost seems to demand it. Principals cannot seem to get enough of it. Some teachers pride themselves on loading students up with hours of homework. We need... Comment
  7. Using mind mapping for teaching is easy

    Using Mind Mapping For Teaching Is Easy, Just Do This Using mind mapping for teaching is an excellent way for you to prepare for your class. It’s quite a challenge to keep your students interested and excited for lectures and class activities. This is why it’s crucial that you equip... Comment

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