Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
February 2025
  1. Tips for writing School Mission


    A mission can be defined as ‘Purpose, reason for being’. Mission states that ‘Who are we and what we intend to do’. Mission statements state the core values of your educational institutions. Educational Mission Statements should be generally short, clear, vivid, inspiring and concise without using complicated words.A good definition for a Mission Statement is a sentence or short paragraph which is written by an Educational establishment which reflects its core purpose, identity, values and principle aims. The most successful Educational Mission Statements are inspiring, powerful and compelling.

    Educational Mission Statements contain important information about the Educational establishment, but in a nutshell. This should include what the college or school does, its achievements and who attends.
    If you are about to write Mission statement for your educational establishment and you need useful tips for writing it, follow the below mentioned tips for writing an effective and meaningful educational mission statement.

    • Start thinking about the role of your school or college, its purpose and its achievements

    • Take your time when writing a Educational Mission Statement. Its a hard but very important task, learning how to write an Educational Mission Statement takes time! It needs to be both positive and inspirational

    • Get the ‘feel’ of Mission Statements by checking out the Samples and Examples of Mission Statements of famous companies

    • Make separate lists of the following:
    ? Courses – What you do and how well you do it – the range and the quality
    ? Facilities – classrooms, sports facilities, library etc
    ? Technology – Your use of Technology and your facilities
    ? People involved in your Educational Organization
    ? People who attend your establishment – the students, teachers and tutors
    ? People who are involved in your establishment
    ? Your Community
    ? How you help your students

    • Your Values and Philosophy

    • Pick out the most important points. Obtain input from other people

    • List some positive words – words of aspiration and inspiration are really important for     Educational Mission statements

    • Select your most important words and combine in one sentence or put your most important sentences together which must be combined in one short paragraph. You will now be in an excellent position and know how to write Mission statements!
    Source: Samples-help (UK)



  2. Video Advertisements

      A lot of video advertisements for you to reffer and make for your School. Download and enjoy… Advertisement 1  Link 1st Link 2nd Link 3rd Advertisement 2  link 1st link 2nd link 3rd Advertisement 3 Link 1st link 2nd link 3rd... Comment
  3. Prospectus

    Download the Professional prospectus and design the same for your schools. There are various PDF files for you to download and reffer. We can also find new ideas to implement in our Schools. Gosfield_School_Prospectus EpsomProspectus2006 Chigwell_Prospectus ColstonsProspectus busbridge-prospectus-final Prospectus Sample Prospectus Sample 1 Prospectus Sample 2 Hillview_Prospectus_2007-08   Jai Kumar... Comment

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