Gender Equity in Education:A Review of Trends and Factors
Gender disparity has been a major issue in India’s pursuit for achieving the goal of
universal elementary education. In order to overcome the problems faced by girls, several
measures have been initiated across the country. What impact have these made as
reflected in the available statistics? This is one of the questions that the review examines.
The paper also presents a comprehensive review of research studies on participation of
girls in schooling. It highlights that the participation of the girl-child is affected
significantly due to social attitudes towards their education and by other forms of gender
and social discrimination in Indian society.
Madhumita Bandyopadhyay and Ramya Subrahmanian through their inter-linked analysis
of gender and social inequality present new perspectives in understanding the continued
educational deprivation that the girl-child in India faces. They also point to several
successful experiences within the country, which hold lessons to take forward the agenda
of making education more inclusive and gender sensitive.
Professor R. Govinda
Partner Institution Coordinator
National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi
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