Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
July 2024
  1. Volume 2 Month 6 Day 8 – Inspiring Values of Unforgettable Teachers


    All of us recall special teachers – people who not only taught us but inspired us in ways that changed our lives. William Arthur Ward once said, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

    Here are five life-changing values inspired by unforgettable teachers.

    The Teachers I Will Always Remember…

    … Taught the Value of Learning and Knowledge

    They were enthusiastic about their subject. However, they gave more than knowledge. They showed how learning could enhance creativity, spark interests, and uncover talents. They instilled in students a curiosity to learn and an undying passion to keep learning.

    … Taught the Value of Respect
    They treated others with honor. They explained how kind words, and sometimes silence, could prevent hurtful confrontations and turn enemies into friends. They taught the value of respect for the community as well as the individual.

    … Taught the Value of Integrity
    They demonstrated empathy for those who were ill or suffering from personal loss. They would go the extra mile to offer support. Their ethics inspired students to live with courage and approach life with honesty, dignity, and self-worth.

    … Taught the Value of Responsibility
    They taught that personal actions have consequences and that the individual must be accountable for his or her choices. They emphasized that when people think others are to blame for problems, that very thought is the real problem. They taught that each student was ultimately responsible for his or her learning and its impact on their future.

    ... Taught the Value of Perseverance
    They taught that education continues until our last breath. They told stories about the hard times they had faced, and how God had often turned difficulties into blessings. They refused to let students quit after repeated failures. They demonstrated that “Faith is the assurance of things not yet seen.”

    Not all of these teachers taught in formal classrooms. Nor did they all have a formal education. Some of them are still teaching, and the education they provide is priceless. I believe that the greatest gifts we can give our children are the same kind of values these
    teachers demonstrate. Then our children can also become unforgettable teachers, sharing values that will inspire happiness and faith for future generations.

    by Steve Brunkhorst.


  2. Learning New Vocabulary Words

    Visual learners should: 1. use flashcards. 2. play Post-it vocabulary memory games. 3. work with various word puzzles. 4. draw pictures of words often. Auditory learners should: 1. read the words and definitions aloud. 2. record themselves saying the words and definitions. 3. playback these recordings. Kinesthetic learners should: 1.... Comment

    STUDENT-CENTERED TEACHING AND LEARNING In the traditional approach to college teaching, most class time is spent with the professor lecturing and the students watching and listening. The students work individually on assignments, and cooperation is discouraged. Student-centered teaching methods shift the focus of activity from the teacher to the learners.... Comment
  4. A Task-Centered Instructional Strategy

    A Task-Centered Instructional Strategy1  Based on a review of instructional design models previous papers identified first principles of instruction. These principles prescribe a cycle of instruction consisting of activation, demonstration, application, and integration. These instructional phases are best implemented in the context of real-world tasks. A Pebble-in-the-Pond approach to instructional... Comment
  5. Syllabus Review

    The syllabus review is necessary to develop an understanding and correlate the efforts with results and identify areas that need attention. A critical, objective and exhaustive review, when school is not in session, alone can provide an opportunity for teachers and departments to critically review designs, strategies, goals & objectives... Comment

    EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT LEADERSHIP QUIZ Competent leaders drive results, develop star performers, and get a group of people to productively complete the right work. They inspire and motivate people, resonating energy and enthusiasm. Resonant leaders connect with others by being self-aware and empathetic. Leadership requires the ability to manage and retain... Comment

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