Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
July 2024
  1. Science and Insight


    When science is taught without any intuitive reference to the notions that already exist in the mind of the student, it leads to the fragmentation of the mind and the two seldom meet, and the matter is left unresolved. In time, the intuitive expression resurfaces and dominates responses. This seems quite similar to the relationship between one’s conditioning and a philosophical explanation. If one considers the nature of the self and the insight that K offers — the self is put together by thought — this insight is counter-intuitive. The self seems to be all pervasive and the centre which controls the person. The only way out is careful observation. Reason and intellectual argument have at best the value of being pointers and starting points of an inquiry led by the actual observation of what is. It is perhaps in the alertness and openness of observation that insight happens. Understanding K verbally, intellectually, leads at best to a conflict of becoming, which might lead to outward order of a limited kind. It leaves the core of one’s being untouched…

    This article by Ananthapadmanabhan unfolds the challenges of teaching science subject. The articles stresses importance of developing observation skills while teaching science.

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  2. Playground Mathematics

    Visual representation of information highlights the power of compression. That is the reason why the National Curriculum Framework says “Mathematics is amazingly compressible: one may struggle a lot, work out something, perhaps by trying many methods. But once it is understood it creates one of the great joys of mathematics.... Comment
  3. Classroom Display Booklet

      This handbook is meant for teachers who want to make their classrooms and school look attractive through displays of different kinds. Displaying graphics, illustrations, charts, slogans, diagrams, songs, quotes, storyline, etc is important for enhancing students’ interest in learning.Thus, knowing how to make best displays in schools or classrooms... Comment

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