Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
June 2011
  1. control the classroom


    Wayne K. Wilkins
    From my eyes, those being the eyes of a student; I can say that it has been very difficult to find a teacher that is actually good to talk to. The majority of teacher’s I have encountered throughout my lifetime of schooling have followed a similar pattern: Grouchy, un-interested, unable to control a class room, no cares or thoughts on if the students will succeed.These kinds of teachers are bad teachers, but unfortunately are seen in almost every school here in the United Kingdom. They have no care in the world that would benefit a student, they only care about getting their paycheck and leaving the building to go home without a second thought of guilt or anxiety that they are letting down hundreds of children in what is quickly becoming a rapidly increasing lazy attempt to rob students of their futures. Why? Simple, because they can not be bothered to teach, because they have not been taught the principals of discipline and because they can not control the class room. A good teacher must have all of the following qualities:
    . A knowledge of discipline.
    . A knowledge of their chosen teaching subject.
    . The ability to control a Class room.
    . A sense of Humor.
    Not everyone loves a strict teacher, but the point is, a strict teacher gives you the better future. My high school was full of delinquent children and poor teachers and I blame each of those hand in hand. The delinquent students come from lack of discipline from the teachers, and the poor teachers come from not being able to control a class room. They ride hand in hand together and no matter what you do, without a decent teacher, those student’s are not going to get any better at all, in fact, they will only get worse. They will start causing more trouble and more hazards for teachers and fellow students, and that does not give the school a good impression.
    My high school was unable to control its students, and they knew that and gave up. They handed out a handful of suspensions and that is all, instead of attempting to handle and solve the problem, they simply expelled it from their lives and that is just contributing to the problem of society, the yob generation and the drunken propaganda that is ruling modern day Great Britain, and as we all know, that is NOT a pretty sight. The only time our teachers and school management would fully enforce the rules is when Ofsted or HMI were doing an investigation. Two days before the investigation, they would gather the entire school in the hall and ‘Ask’ us to behave ourselves for the coming two days to give the school a good impression.If that is not corruption then I do not know what is. The only thing I can be a hundred percent certain on is IF there were stricter teachers, ones that could enforce the rules and control a class room while teaching us at the same time, the yob generation would be a lot less ruling than it is today. I am a student myself, and I blame my poor grades on that of the school not being able to control their students. Looking back a few years you actually realize that poor behavior from a select few people brings back and holds down the entire class, and that is not fair.After reading this, ask yourself. Would you prefer a strict teacher who prepares you for your future, or a lazy teacher who destroys it?(22)


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