Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
April 2010
  1. Volume 3 Month 4 Day 8- Academic Forms and Letters


    Here are various forms and letters from different categories that can provide a great deal of help to teachers for a better classroom management. Check out these forms and letters and perform your classroom related chores in a well managed and planned way.

     Behavior Documentation

    A form to document behavior for individual students. Meant to be kept as a class set in a folder with a behavior log for each student.

    behaviour document

    Behavior Journal
    This journal style form can be given to students whenever they break a classroom rule or an incident occurs. After discussing it with the student, it is placed in their file for future reference.


    Detention Assignment
    A form to notify students that they have been assigned detention. After the student has signed the form, the form is given back to the teacher for updating the detention list. After the detention has been served, the form is placed in the student’s file for documentation.

    detention individual assignment

    Detention Teacher Assignment
    A form for teachers to document how many detentions they have assigned daily.

    detention teacher assignment

    Detention Tracking

    A simple form that keeps track of how many detentions each student has. This form is extremely useful for documenting behavior and for parent conferences. (We keep ours in a binder that is updated daily).

    detention individual sheet

    Discipline Essay

    A discipline essay for kids to fill out and write about the who, what, where, why, and how of what they did.


    Referral Letter

    A letter to notify parents that their child has received a discipline referral. This form may be modified with your contact information and is designed for printing on school letterhead.

    referral form letter 2

    Assignment Sheet

    A form for students to keep in their notebooks in order to help them organize assignments. Created in a table format so teachers can easily type in chapter assignments, this form can be printed out and carried with the student for easy updates.


    Bingo Board

    A blank 5×5 bingo board for any classroom. Have students fill in vocabulary words, numbers, shapes, etc. Can be modified easily to play “Matho” or any other bingo derivative.

    bingo board

    Daily Behavior Chart

    Following Directions on First Time, Completing Tasks, and Working quietly are covered on this chart. Award students 1 point every few minutes for meeting the goals on the top.

    simple daily points

    Grade Check Sign

    A documentation log for teachers verifying that students have received grade checks.

    grade record

    Homework Coupons

    Good for one free assignment, these are great rewards or motivators.

    Homework Coupon

    Homework Excuse Note

    Instead of ten students crowding around you at the beginning of the hour, have them fill out a homework excuse note. It comes in very handy when parent conferences roll around!

    homework excuse note

    Homework Record Form

    Here is a cute homework form you can program with your weekly homework assignments. Then copy the page for each student. After the child finished the homework for the night, the parent signs off that it was done and checked.


    Makup Request

    Instead of you trying to figure out who missed when, have the kids do the work! When they come back from an absence, it is their responsibility to fill out one of these forms and turn it in to you for their makeup work!


    Missing Work

    A half-page form to make students aware of missing assignments.

    missing work notice

    My Behavior Form

    A form to help teachers and parents keep track of a kids behavioral progress by noting such areas as respectfulness and behavior.


    One on One

    A form to help teachers and parents keep track of a kids academic progress by denoting preparedness, time on task, and homework.


    Progress Report

    A letter to notify parents of classroom performance. This form may be modified with your contact information and it is designed to be printed on school letterhead.

    progress report

    A Note From the Sub

    This is a form that allows a substitute to easily report back what happened while you were away.

    A note from the sub

    Good News Notes

    Quarter page notes to be given to students whenever something positive happens or as a pick-me-up.

    Good News

    Parent Concern Letter

    A letter to notify parents about concerns and issues you are seeing in the classroom with their child. This form may be modified with your contact information and is designed to be printed on school letterhead.

    parent letter – concerns

    Parent Contact Log

    This log was designed as a way of keeping track of when parents are contacted either by phone, letter, or in person. It may be printed out and carried with the teacher for easy updates.

    parent contact log

    Project Planning Guide

    A form to help kids with the overall plan of a project.

    Forms – project planning guide

    Something Borrowed

    Log to keep track of borrowed itmes.

    something borrowed

    Staff Development Log

    A short worksheet to keep track of your staff development hours.

    staff development log

    Star of the Week or Student of the Week Letter

    Send this letter home every Friday to the choosen student of the week. This will help the student prepare to be student of the week!

    Star of the Week

    Student Information

    This form was designed to be filled out by the student and pasted to the inside of their student file for easy access to such information as address, phone number, and schedule.


    Tardy Log

    Instead of interrupting my lesson to deal with tardiness, my students know to fill out the Tardy Log when they are late to class. After school, I change the A to a T, in addition to have documentation of tardies!

    Tardy Log

    By Shelli Temple, Lorry-Ann Willey and Colleen Gallagher


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