Principals Diary

Impress your management with the task list in principals diary. An Exclusive Diary especially designed for Principals / Directors / Head of Schools / Coordinators / HOD's
December 2009
  1. Volume 2 Month 12 Day 28- 100 Creative Topics For Essay/Paragraph Writing



    Here is a list of some interesting topics for writing paragraph or essay that could make writing more interesting. Writing on these creative topics can be fun for students:


    1. If I could become invisible

    2. This is my father’s/ mother’s job

    3. Reasons why people lie

    4. Reasons for going to church

    5. These are the reasons why I do not go to church.

    6. The meaning of “freedom”

    7. I will tell you a story that is only half-true

    8. Why do nations wage wars?

    9. There will be peace on earth only when…

    10. I have something to tell you, teacher

    11. Did you know that..?

    12. The scariest thing that ever happened to me

    13. I once had a scary dream.

    14. The strangest dream I ever had.

    15. I believe in God.

    16. I don’t believe in God because…

    17. The meaning of Christmas

    18. Hockey is my life.

    19. I get scared when…

    20. I wish that I could…

    21. I am happy when…

    22. I am sad when…

    23. The things that get me upset.

    24. My favourite subject

    25. My least favourite subject

    26. I just cannot seem to get along with anyone

    27. The things that bug me

    28. Why is it that…?

    29. This is my family

    30. When I grow up

    31. Our most interesting substitute teacher

    32. My most embarrassing moment

    33. I watch too much television

    34. The most interesting place that I have ever visited.

    35. What I would do if I were rich

    36. My three wishes.

    37. What I think about gambling

    38. My best friend

    39. Friendship is…

    40. Why I think friendships are important.

    41. This is my home.

    42. I play a musical instrument.

    43. My experience at the hospital

    44. Things that I like about our school

    45. Things that I do not like about our school

    46. This is my favourite sport

    47. I would like to tell you about my class

    48. These are some things that I do very well

    49. The proudest moment of my life

    50. The saddest moment of my life

    51. The happiest moment of my life

    52. My accomplishments

    53. Why I like animals

    54. My favourite movie

    55. My favourite television show

    56. My fondest school memory

    57. The person that I admire

    58. The most interesting person that I have ever met

    59. The biggest mess that I ever got myself into

    60. My fondest childhood memory

    61. This is my hobby.

    62. My biggest goal in life

    63. Things are not going well for me right now.

    64. My parents

    65. My religion

    66. My first flight

    67. I like…, and these are the reasons why.

    68. I very much dislike…, because…

    69. My life as a citizen of a new country

    70. What I think about vandalism, drugs and smoking

    71. Ways in which troubled kids can be helped

    72. Reasons why people argue

    73. The best book that I ever read

    74. This book was really bad

    75. I often get frustrated

    76. Dear teacher, I would like to ask you some questions.

    77. Dear teacher, there is something that you need to know.

    78. When I turn 16

    79. When I become an adult this is what I will be like.

    80. My future wife

    81. My future husband

    82. If I could change the world, I would do the following.

    83. My wish

    84. The present that I would like to receive

    85. Qualities that I look for in a friend

    86. The greatest summer ever

    87. The greatest vacation ever

    88. I like cars

    89. My favourite and least liked foods.

    90. I have a disability.

    91. When I take a long look in the mirror this is what I see.

    92. What I would like to do when I get older

    93. How the problem of hunger can be solved

    94. The problem of crime can be eliminated by…

    95. If I could live anywhere in the world it would be…

    96. Music is an important part of my life.

    97. Why are so many people selfish, greedy, and unfriendly?

    98. Things that I like doing

    99. The things that really bother me

    100. My favourite music group




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