Educational Quotes

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Any kid who has two parents who are interested in him and
has a houseful of books isn’t poor.
Sam Levenson

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We must view young people not as
empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to be lit.
Robert H. Shaffer

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School is a building that has four walls—with tomorrow inside.
Lon Watters

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If A equals success, then the formula is:  A = X + Y + Z.
X is work.  Y is play.  Z is keep your mouth shut.
Albert Einstein

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One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty councils.
The thing to do is to supply light and not heat.
Woodrow Wilson

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We leave traces of ourselves wherever we go,
on whatever we touch.
Lewis Thomas

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Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never
goes back to its original dimensions.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

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It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still
differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play
without seeing the vital connection between them.
Leo Buscaglia

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The hardest job kids face today is
learning good manners without seeing any.
Fred Astaire

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I am not a teacher,
but an awakener.
Robert Frost

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It is easier to move a cemetery than
to effect a change in curriculum.
Woodrow Wilson

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People who get nostalgic about childhood
were obviously never children.
Bill Watterson

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Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
Chinese Proverb

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Children today are tyrants.  They contradict their parents,
gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers.
Socrates (470-399 B.C.)

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A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak.
Michael Garrett Marino

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There’s nothing wrong with teenagers that
reasoning with them won’t aggravate.

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

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When I was growing up, I always wanted to be someone.
Now I realize I should have been more specific.
Lily Tomlin

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Find a group of people whom you really respect and
get involved with them.  Find great teachers, if you can.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you.
Have faith and know that it’s a journey that can take a while.
Anthony Rapp

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I’ve seen kids ride bicycles, run, play ball, set up a camp,
swing, fight a war, swim and race for eight hours . . .
yet have to be driven to the garbage can.
Irma Bombeck

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The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.
The source of better ideas is wisdom.
The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education.
Alfred Whitney Griswold

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No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt

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A child’s hand in yours—what tenderness it arouses,
what power it conjures. You are instantly
the very touchstone of wisdom and strength.
Marjorie Holmes

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I have learned to live each day as it comes, and
not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow.
Dorothy Dix

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You can’t be too careful what you tell a child, because
you never know what he’ll take hold of and
spend the rest of his life remembering you by.
Frederick Buechner

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To give without any reward, or any notice,
has a special quality of its own.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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During much of my life I was anxious to be
what someone else wanted me to be.
Now I have given up that struggle. I am what I am.
Elizabeth Coatsworth

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