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The following list provides a survey of the techniques and materials that can be employed in teaching through the multiple intelligences.

Linguistic Intelligence 

  • lectures, debates
  • large- and small-group discussions
  • books, worksheets, manuals
  • brainstorming
  • writing activities
  • word games
  • sharing time
  • storytelling, speeches, reading to class
  • talking books and cassettes
  • extemporaneous speaking
  • journal keeping
  • choral reading
  • individualized reading
  • memorizing linguistic facts
  • tape recording one’s words
  • using word processors
  • publishing (e.g., creating class newspapers)

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence 

  • mathematical problems on the board
  • Socratic questioning
  • scientific demonstrations
  • logical problem-solving exercises
  • creating codes
  • logic puzzles and games
  • classifications and categorizations
  • quantifications and calculations
  • computer programming languages
  • science thinking
  • logical-sequential presentation of subject matter
  • Piagetian cognitive stretching exercises
  • Heuristic

Spatial Intelligence 

  • charts, graphs, diagrams, and maps
  • visualization
  • photography
  • videos, slides, and movies
  • visual puzzles and mazes
  • 3-D construction kits
  • art appreciation
  • imaginative storytelling
  • picture metaphors
  • creative daydreaming
  • painting, collage, visual arts
  • idea sketching
  • visual thinking exercises
  • graphic symbols
  • using mind-maps and other visual organizers
  • computer graphics software
  • visual awareness activities
  • optical illusions
  • color cues
  • telescopes, microscopes, and binoculars
  • visual awareness activities
  • draw-and-paint/computer- assisted-design software
  • picture literacy experiences

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence 

  • creative movement, mime
  • hands-on thinking
  • field trips
  • the classroom teacher
  • competitive and cooperative games
  • physical awareness and relaxation exercises
  • all hands-on activities
  • crafts
  • body maps
  • use of kinesthetic imagery
  • cooking, gardening, and other “messy” activities
  • manipulatives
  • virtual reality software
  • kinesthetic concepts
  • physical education activities
  • communicating with body language/ hand signals
  • tactile materials and experiences
  • body answers

Musical Intelligence 

  • musical concepts
  • singing, humming, whistling
  • playing recorded music
  • playing live music on piano, guitar, or other instruments
  • group singing
  • mood music
  • music appreciation
  • playing percussion instruments
  • rhythms, songs, raps, chants
  • using background music
  • linking old tunes with concepts
  • discographies
  • creating new melodies for concepts
  • listening to inner musical imagery
  • music software
  • supermemory music

Interpersonal Intelligence 

  • cooperative groups
  • interpersonal interaction
  • conflict mediation
  • peer teaching
  • board games
  • cross-age tutoring
  • group brainstorming sessions
  • peer sharing
  • community involvement
  • apprenticeships
  • simulations
  • academic clubs
  • interactive software
  • parties / social gatherings as context for learning
  • people sculpting

Intrapersonal Intelligence 

  • independent study
  • feeling-toned moments
  • self-paced instruction
  • individualized projects and games
  • private spaces for study
  • one-minute reflection periods
  • interest centers
  • personal connections
  • options for homework
  • choice time
  • self-teaching programmed instruction
  • exposure to inspirational/ motivational curricula
  • self-esteem activities
  • journal keeping
  • goal setting sessions

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