Home Visits – Before School Starts

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The beginning of a new school year brings anxiety to students and teachers too. Especially to the new student, the kindergartner. A scheduled Home Visit, before school begins, with each child and their family is beneficial. Following is information on Kindergarten Home Visits. However, you can adapt this information to any lower elementary grade level.

Benefits to the Teacher:

  • Meeting the child and family before school begins.
  • Know where they live.
  • Can meet older brothers or sisters. Helpful to know if someone older may be with them after school if no parent is home.
  • Can see interaction between family members.
  • Can ask if there are any health problems. (asthma…)
  • Can give general information about the school and your class.
  • Take a family picture to use for a bulletin board.
  • Take an individual student picture. Get doubles and put one on their locker and one in the room.
  • Usually you will get a tour of the child’s bedroom. This will give you information on the child’s likes.
  • Can observe the child’s temperament.

To the Parents:

  • Can meet you before school begins.
  • Can meet you on their “turf”, a comfortable setting.
  • Can ask questions.
  • Especially helpful for parents with their first child starting school.
  • Meet in a more informal setting.
  • Their child usual has to clean their room!
  • Gets information about the teachers classroom expectations and consequences.

To the Child:

  • Meet you before school begins.
  • He/she will see a familiar face on the first day of school.
  • Meeting a student at home makes him/her feel important.
  • Will see his/her family’s picture that first day of school, gives him/her a feeling of belonging.
  • Will see his/her picture on the locker so he/she knows which locker is his/her’s.
  • He/she will be able to listen to some stories.
  • Can ask questions.
  • Will hear what to expect in kindergarten.

Preparing for a Home Visit

  1. Choose three short books to take that relate to the beginning of school. (Ex. All by Myself- Mercer Mayer- Things a small child can do by themselves., Jessica- Kevin Henkes- A small girl has a pretend friend named Jessica. Will she be able to take Jessica with her when she starts kindergarten?, Berenstain Bears Go to School- Stan and Jan Berenstain- The bears go back to school. Sister Bear starts kindergarten.)
  2. Make copies of all information you want Parents to know. Such as: day and time- 1st day of school, what to bring, Curriculum Themes, Classroom Expectations and Consequences, Open House day and time, Parent/Teacher conferences days and times, Room Helpers information (if you need help in the room), Field Trip information and any other information you’d like them to know
  3. Buy film for camera.
  4. Make a Time Schedule for your Home Visits. The week before school starts works well. An example of a schedule might be: M-Th: 9-12/1-4/5-8 Allow 20-30 minutes per family and allow driving time. Time slots would be as follows: 9:00-9:30/ 9:30-10:00/ 10:00-10:30/ 10:30-11:00…
  5. It is best to send a note out to all parents one week before you call to set up a Home Visit. It can be given at Registration Time, however, this does not leave much time for setting up Home Visits. The note might include: General information about yourself., Tell them you would like a Home Visit. The benefits of a Home Visit (write a couple). Let them know this is not a requirement and that they do not have to schedule a Home Visit. Let them know if they would like to visit at the school, instead of at their home, this is an option. The Home Visit Schedule- so they may decide in advance when they would like you to come. Give days and time periods- such as: M-Th: 9-12/1-4/5-8 Tell them you will be calling the week before the scheduled Home Visits.
  6. Call parents and schedule a Home Visit. You may want to schedule only 2 mornings or 2 afternoons. Usually parents ask for the evening times. If you know someone is home during the day, you can suggest a morning or afternoon time.

The Home Visit

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Ask a general question to get things started. (Ex. How long have you lived here? Is this your first child in school? Talk about the weather. General conversation, usually something will catch your eye about the house, siblings, the student… that will interest you.)
  3. Take a family picture. Explain that this will be used for a bulletin board at school.
  4. Take an individual picture. Explain that this is to put on their locker. Tell them to look for their picture when they get to school. Also, another picture will be put up in the classroom.
  5. Write down the names of the family members so that you may label the picture at school.
  6. Give Parents the Information Packet.
  7. Read a story or two to all the children present while the parents are reading the Information Packet.
  8. Ask if the parents or child has any questions and answer them.
  9. Ask any questions you’d like answered.
  10. Thank them for their hospitality. The child may want to show you his/her room before you leave.
A Home Visit is beneficial to all participants. It helps get the school year off on a positive note. There will be some parents that will not want to participate. Don’t be discouraged. If you continue to do Home Visits each year, people will feel more comfortable with them and understand the benefits it provides to everyone.
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